Flerds -OR- How Durham, NC shaped me into the scientist I am today

A colorful display of fresh veggies at the Durham Farmers Market.

Yes, Durham.  What used to be considered the armpit of “The Triangle” (Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Durham) has re-gentrified and transmogrified its way into a food-centric, community-minded mecca.  I lived there for five years and fell in love with my neighbors (shout out to my Old West Durham peeps), the community (things like the Durham Literacy CenterSEEDS, and the Scrap Exchange), and the beautiful landscape.  The Durham County Library system has received attention recently for developing a seed library in addition to the stacks of those heavy, paper thingies…oh yeah, books (just kidding, I love real books).  Library patrons will be able to sign out a packet of seeds and “return” them by saving seeds from their harvest in the fall.  This epitomizes the culture of Durham that helped spark my interest in food as an ecologist and a human being.  That and I’ve been feeling a little homesick for it lately, so I decided to tell you all about why it’s so special. Continue reading “Flerds -OR- How Durham, NC shaped me into the scientist I am today”